Men's Dress Shirt to Baby Dress
I love the idea of taking something unwanted and making something very much wanted. Such is the case with my latest creation. My sister's husband was getting rid of some dress shirts and instead of donating them, I took two to make the Metro Dress from the blog Shwin & Shwin. It is easily one of the cutest upcycles on the web and stems from a darling dress by J Crew.
I only made a few changes. I added lace to the bottom and to the tie to play down the masculinity of the pattern. Also, I made the sleeves a little less capped because I want to get a onesie with puff sleeves to put underneath. A change that, in hindsight, I wish I made is to have the buttons extend into the skirt so that the dress would fit her longer, but overall, I am quite pleased with the results.
So, after looking through the racks at a few different stores I came to the conclusion that finding a puff sleeved onesie would be more challenging than just adding puff sleeves to the dress. I found a great tutorial for puff sleeves and went to town. However, I did depart from the tutorial in that I made my sleeves more of a cap then an actual sleeve.