Here is the process:
* Cut a cupcake liner from each color of felt and steam a seam
* Layout on the page using the template, then iron onto page
* Place embellishments (I used ribbon for all of mine) and sew embellishments to page
* Using a satin stitch, attach the cups to the page
* Cut bowl and sew along the fold to secure it
* Attach bowl to page using satin stitch
* Cut each top/embellishment from their respective fabric as well as from steam a seam
* Attach each embellishment to each top and do any embroidery work
* Iron top to a strip of felt of the same color and attach to felt using a satin stitch
* Sew female side of each snap to the page above the cupcake liners (make sure to go through the reinforcement on the back of the page)
* Cut a piece of the reinforcement just bigger than the snap
* Sew male side of the snaps to felt going through the reinforcement, don't cut the thread
* Place the top where you would like it to be on the page
* Put your thumb over the top where the snaps would meet
* Position the male side of the snap beneath your thumb and sew the top to the snap
* Cut out the top leaving a tiny halo of felt around the top
* Continue in this manner for all of the cupcake tops
* Sew on a 1 1/2" binding and you are done!