I have been meaning to create this post for a while. I live in a tiny two bedroom condo and I have a child, which means a room dedicated to crafting is a lofty dream. I have had to get creative on where to store all of my materials as well as when and where I craft. Last summer I hit a breaking point when one of my crochet hooks was lost in an effort to clear the kitchen table. I NEEDED my own space where I could put my projects that the toddler couldn't reach and that wouldn't be in the way of every day life. I found my solution online at IKEA, however, I had a very small budget to work with, so I turned to the online classifieds of a local newspaper. To my great surprise, I found the exact desk I was looking for unused and put together for a lot less. Of course I immediately called and left messages on both phone numbers listed, then agonizingly waited 2 whole days before I heard back that I could come get the desk. To my surprise, I wasn't the first person to call, however I was the first message the seller listened to. This desk has truly saved my sanity as I can now stop in the middle of a project and know that it will remain untouched until I am ready to get back into the zone. I figured it was worthwhile to also show where I store/hide my supplies, despite the fact that it is not nearly as pretty or well organized as the craft spaces I have seen on Pinterest. First off is one side of our TV stand. Next up a corner of my daughter's closet. Lastly, a bit of space in our walk-in closet.
![]() My name is Kristin Baird and I live in Salt Lake City, UT. Basically, I am always working on a project. My mother tells me how when I was little she could put me in a room with a stack of paper and some sissors then come back an hour later to find the room covered in my creations. Even into my teens and early twenties I was always making something. This desire to create led me to obtaining a Bachelor's Degree of Interior Design from Utah State University. Although my focus has turned to my daughter as oposed to a career in Interior Design, I am continually interested in discovering new materials and building techniques so I will most likely be posting new findings. If you are wondering about the name of the site, my mother calls me Kit and given that she is semi responsible for my creative side, I felt it appropriate. This website will be based on whatever I am interested in or making and I welcome input. Happy crafting! |
Hey there! I'm Kristin, aka Kit. Here is just a peek into my crafting mind. I hope you find something to spur your creativity!
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