Metal Kiss Clasp Purse Frame
Sewing Gauge or Ruler
Start by tracing your frame and marking where the hinges are. Next, using a sewing gauge or a ruler, add the seam allowance (I always do 3/8"). To give your hinges some space, extend the arch about 1/2" to 1" beyond where your hinges hit. If you want a more flat purse, you can stop here and move onto the next step. However, if you want your purse to be a bit on the puffy side, you will want to create a larger arch. To do this, use a bowl or lid and center it on the arch, then trace the ouside. The next thing is to center up the frame , then rotate it along the new arch and mark where the hinge hits. Add about 1/2" to 1" to that length to give the hinges room.
To start with, I create the basic outline, then I cut it in half so that I have a template for my lining. Next, I trace my outline onto another sheet of paper and draw my design onto that paper (the blue lines). Then, I add in my seam allowances for each cut (the red lines). Then I trace each piece onto another sheet of paper. Cut and label those pieces and you are ready to move onto part two.